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"Once you received, you give it away!"
Mission training is led by pastors Wenzel and Sharon Beukes of the New Testament Church of IJsselstein City (NTC). For nine years they worked on the mission field in South Africa, India, Malawi and Mozambique, among the poor, prostitutes, street children, homeless and addicts. In 2016 the couple began to work as pastors in the Netherlands to actively train the local church, to pray for the sick, deliverance, imparting of gifts and baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Wenzel grew up in South Africa and worked there in Pretoria as a missionary for homeless people, street children and prostitutes. His wife Sharon Beukes grew up in the Netherlands and met Wenzel on the South African mission field. Wenzel and Sharon set up the House of The Goods News of Jesus Christ (HJC) in 2010. This ministry has a discipleship house with a beautiful citrus farm in Pretoria.
From the citrus farm they did missionary work among the poor in the slums of Pretoria. In their house they took in women and children in distress. In 2014, they also started a project with orphans in Malawi from The House of The Good News of Jesus Christ.
In 2015, Wenzel and Sharon responded to God's call to come to the Netherlands. There they started in 2016 as pastors of NTC IJsselstein. Here the Holy Spirit began a powerful work of healings, signs and wonders. In that same year, the first New Testament Church was founded in Malawi, and now nine others have been established throughout Malawi and Mozambique and rapidly growing.
Pastors Wenzel and Sharon Beukes strongly believe in building the local church through impartation.
An important part of their ministry is the transfer of gifts of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands.
Wenzel Beukes: "The gifts of the Spirit and passing on these are indispensable to the church. Once you've received it, pass on again. "